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Lower School

Grades 1-3

The Ss. Robert and William Catholic Lower School includes Grades 1, 2, and 3 set in a departmental structure. Curriculum taught at this level is based on the Ohio State Standards and the guidelines provided by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese, which infuses our Catholic identity and social justice teachings in every subject; Religion, Reading (extended class period daily), English, Phonics, Math, Science, Social Studies, Handwriting, Physical Education, Visual Art, and Vocal Music.


Interactive SMART Panels in every classroom
Desktop Apple Computers (2) in every classroom
iPad and Chromebook carts available
ActiveTables in Kindergarten

Sacramental Programs:

Catholic students in Grade 2 may be involved in special sacramental preparations through the parish for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  Catechesis for the celebration of this special sacrament requires parental involvement.